May 07, 2010


Hi Jinnie,

How are you my friend? Before I forget, I'd like to share about how someone showed me Grace last Friday. I don't know that person, but I wish I did... so I could thank her once more.

You see, I was taking the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) train that morning to town for an appointment. The train wasn't particularly full but as soon as the doors flung open at my station, everyone rushed to snap up whatever seats they could find, leaving some people standing. I was of course, one of the standing few since I wasn't fast enough to wobble up a seat with my 7 month old pregnant tummy. I had also, in my haste to not be late, not managed to secure myself a proper breakfast to which I was sure, standing the full journey would make me faint.

Now, on board the MRT cabins, there are designated "Priority" seats - these are to be relinquished by any person/s who didn't fit the category of pregnant, elderly or disabled. The folks in the Priority seats were in neither of these categories and most were young and able bodied. Conveniently, the rest of the passengers and said youngsters started dozing off in their seats, reading their phone messages, whatever they could find to do to prevent having to give up their seat.

Now came Grace... even though she wasn't in the priority seat and could have qualified for it, since both her feet twisted inwards at an almost 90 degree angle and although she could probably have lived with it since childhood, was definitely not as comfortable walking like a normal person. She gave up her seat to me. I don't know who between us, qualified for it more, but I was definitely grateful! I thanked her twice and started feeling disdain for the rest of the passengers who had their butts glued to the seats.

May this serve as a reminder for myself that there is a silver lining in very cloud, and may I be that silver lining to whoever I meet everyday. :)


jinnie said...

What a wonderful story you shared with me (and the world), Amanda! I'm sure you know how Muni can be here, too.. I see lots of people like that (clueless tourists included) but not too many people who set examples like Grace. It makes me sad but hopeful at the same time.

And I have to apologize! I've been a very naughty blogger lately. I don't even have much to show you. Waah..

Amanda said...

haha I was wondering where Jinnie went! :) Perhaps for a nice holiday with M!

jinnie said...

I was actually on a trip! Not quite a vacation but a trip nonetheless. Boo, lousy blogger I am!