March 05, 2010

1st post with the Beginning of Life

Hello Jinnie and whosoever might be reading our blog... :) It's exciting to be sharing this with a good friend so faraway! Looking forward to posting more often with thoughts, pictures and random doodlings. Meanwhile, here are some scans of my baby over a few months (we just confirmed it to be a girl yesterday at the detailed scan).

Baby's spine is looking good on 4th March. We're finally able to see it's a "she".

Baby is progressively getting bigger on 26 Jan.

My very 1st scan of baby, being able to listen to its heartbeat. Seeing the cute little thing on screen at about 12 weeks made my morning sickness all worthwhile!

As for names... I've shortlisted Faith and Elizabeth. I'll leave the chinese naming part to my dad!


jinnie said...

Awesome, Amanda! How nice of you to share these scans. I think they are great as your first post. :)

I like Faith! :D

Amanda said...

I think we might be going with Elizabeth after all. It's got a nice ring with HY's last name and my dad feels that Faith rhymes with "fail". Hm... perhaps my 2nd girl shall be called Faith when no better name pops up! :p