March 08, 2010

Drawing again

Dear Jinnie, here's a page from a children's book I'm supposed to illustrate since eons ago. It's taken me a long time due to full time work, my being expectant with lower energy levels, procrastination, etc... :p However, I'm resolving to ensure I finish this book before my baby arrives in July or at least by the end of this year - regardless of whether any publisher will take it!

I've got many pages more to flesh out and paint (my chosen medium being watercolor) but it's a start. This is page 17 at 10"x10" and was drawn just yesterday, revised from my dummy page. I'm going to transfer it to the watercolor paper today, ink it and try and get it finished within the next few days. Wish me luck and determination!

p.s. I really hope that updating my progress will keep me on track and motivated! :) Over to you!


jinnie said...

Oh, wow, Amanda! Good luck!
Yes, I'll be rooting for you to finish it. :) And how wonderful it'd be for you to read it to your daughter in the future? :D

Are you going to ink the lines over watercolor too? I think that's what I used to do in school a lot. Never quite mastered it though.

Amanda said...

I was contemplating if I should ink or use pencil/color pencil for the lines. But the color pencil effect came out a bit weak for me. I do like Petra Brown's style tho'.

jinnie said...

I'm not familiar with Petra Brown so I googled. ^^ Lovely texture from the pencil lines.. How about you do a small test with your illustration sketch, one with ink+wash and one with pencil/color pencil + wash, side by side? I've never tried color pencil over watercolor but it sounds exciting.